Wednesday, February 16, 2011


There will never be another now I will make the most of today. There will never be another me I will make the most of myself. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
You won't win if you don't begin. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
Don't kill the dream execute it. ROBERTH HSCHULLER
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawless. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
Take care? People who take care never go anywhere, take a chance Take charge! Take control! ROBERTH H SCHULLER
Never let a problem become an excuse ROBERTH HSCHULLER
When you can't solve the problem manage it. ROBER TH HSCHULLER
Failure doesn't mean you are a failure it does mean you haven't succeeded yet. ROBERTH HSCHULLER
Failure doesn't mean you are inferior, it does mean you are not perfect. ROBERTH HSCHULLER
Failure does not mean you have been a fool, it does mean you had a lot of faith. ROBERTH HSCHULLER
Failure   does   not   mean   you   have accomplished nothing. It does mean you learn   something.   ROBERTH   HSCHULLER
I had rather attempt something great and fail than to attempt nothing and succeed.
Today's decisions are tomorrow realities. ROBERTH HSCHULLER
God's delays are not God's denials. ROBERTH HSCHULLER
There is no success without the application of multiplication principle. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
If you think that your problem is money, think again ROBERTH HSCHULLER,
Nobody is defeated until he starts blaming somebody else. ROBERTH H SCHULLEK
The most battle most people lose is battle   over   fear   of   failure,
TRY....... START ...... BEGIN, and you will be assured, you won the first round. ROBERTH HSCHULLER
No one emerges from a problem untouched) by   tough   time.   ROBERTH SCHULLER.
To pursue a problem free live is to run after an illusion fantasy, it is a Waste of mental and   physical   energies.   ROBERTH SCHULLER
IF it is going to be is up to me. ROBERT HSCHULLER
It is impossible to fail totally if you dare to try. ROBERTH HSCHULLER
Great people are ordinary people with extra ordinary amounts of determination, ROBERTHHSCHULLER
Whatever you do today, do better tomorrow. ROBERTHHSCHULLER
Courage is something you can never lost, because courage is something you can always   choose,   nothing   is   impossible ROBERTHHSCHULLER

Everybody was fixing the blame; nobody was fixing the problem ROBERTH HSCHULLER.
If you don't have advice to give, you can always share your own story. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
Decision making is easy, if there no contradictions in your value system. ROBER THE SCHULLER
It is not where you start, it is where you finished that counts. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
I shut the door of yesterday and threw the key away, tomorrow has no fear for since I have found today. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
When things get tough it move people and pressures shift. But the soil remains the same anywhere you go. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
People who never change their mind are either perfect or stubborn. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
I learned that great dream of great dreamer never fulfilled. ROBERTH H SCHULLER

Success doesn't come from where you are, but from the way you think. ROBERTH H SCHULLER

Visualized defeat and you will be defeated, visualize success, and you will achieve it.
Negative words promote negative result. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
Never make a negative decision in the low time; never make your most important decision when you are in worst mood. ROBEMTHHSCIIULLEM
When face with mountain, I will not quit I will keep on striving until I climb over.
All it takes is one idea to solve an impossible problem. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
Success is never certain, and failure is never final ROBERTH H SCHULLER.
When something terrible happened do hot do anything just think. ROBERTH HSCHULLER
Money flow to good idea, good ideas spawn other good ideas, and dreams inspire creativity in money management. ROBERTHHSCHULLER
You can do anything you want to do; you can be anything you want to be. You can go anywhere from where you can, if you willing to dream big and work hard. ROBERTHHSCHULLER
Problem never leaves us the way the finds us. ROBERTHHSCHULLER
It is not how you walk that counts, but who walks with you and who you walk with. ROBERTHHSCHULLER
You can test an idea to see if it will be successful or not. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
Look at what you have left, never look at what you have lost. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
Tough times never last but tough people do. ROBERTH H SCHULLER
Impossibility vanished when a man and his God confront a mountain. ROBERTH H
Nobody has money problem but only idea problem. ROBERTHHSCHULLER
Nobody is a total failure if he dare try something worthwhile ROBERTH HSCHULLER
Patience is not a virtue if you sit back and waits for your problem to solve itself,
The people who are really failures are the people who set their standards so low, keep the bar at such a safe level, that they never run the risk of failure.          SCHULLER

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