Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The fact is that all-gotten gain is always scattered by the devil. John Mason
There are two quick ways to disaster taking nobody's advice and taking every body's advice. John Mason
Humor is to life what shock absorber are t: automobile. John Mason
You are never truly dressed until you wear a smile. John Mason
The greatest assassin of dream is hast, the desire to reach things before the right time. John Mason
Our problem is that we seldom think on what we have but we usually think of what we lack. John Mason
The failure wishes he could do thing that he can’t do. He thinks little of what he can do
John Meson
Success means doing the best you can with what we have. John Mason
Regret looks back, worry looks around faith looks up. John Mason
The person who is satisfied with what he has done will never become famous for what he will do. John Mason
God never closes one door without opening another one but we must be willing to change in order to walk through that new door. John Mason
Success favors the bold. The world is a book in which those who do not take risks read only one page. John Mason
The people who doves for nothing need hope for nothing you have reaches stagnation when all you ever exercise is caution. John Mason
My best friends are those who understand my past, believe in my future and accept me today just the way I am. John Mason
A friend is someone who knows all about you but likes you anyway. John Mason
There are good ships and there are bad ships, but the best ships are friendship. John Mason
God can only bless your plan and direct you in accomplishing if it you have one. John Mason
Purpose not money is your real asset. John Mason
You are not truly free until you have been taken captive by your supreme mission in life. John Mason
You don't learn anything while you are talking the truth is that the more you say the less people remember who you have nothing to say, say nothing silence is a friend who will never betray you. John Mason
There must have been some reason God made man's ears to stay open and his mouth to be shut. John Mason
Fear of criticism is the kiss of death in the courtship of achievement. John Mason
Like rust consumes iron, envy consumes itself. John Mason
Dig a well before you are thirsty and plant a seed before you are hungry. John Mason
To small thankless, everything looks like a mountain. The grandest things are craziest to do because there is so little competition. John Mason
Unforgiveness blocks blessings, forgiveness releases blessing John Mason
Unforgiveness is empty, but forgiveness makes a future possible. John Mason
A great ship always asks for deep water. When you dare for nothing you should hope for nothing. John Mason
Make sure you decide what you really want not what someone else what for you. John Mason
You are where you are today because of the choices you have made and have not made. John Mason
There is power in the principle of standing alone. More than anyone else, you must be persuaded. John Mason
A man of words and not of deeds is like a flowerbed full of weeds. John Mason
When you decide to live within your limits, you are living an average life. Do these; know your limit than ignore them. John Mason
The biggest room in our lives is the room for self improvement John Mason
Worse than a quitter is the man who is afraid to begin. John Mason
Look at thing not as they are, but as they can be John Mason
God can only bless your plan and direct you in accomplishing it if you have one. John Mason
Regret looks back, worry looks around faith looks up. John Mason
There are two quick ways of disaster taking nobody's advice and taking everybody's advice. John Mason
You can never do great things if you can't do small things in a great way. John Mason
The desire for safety stands against every great and virtuous dream, security is the first law towards stagnation John Mason
Playing safe is probably the most unsafe thing in the world. John Mason
The* road to success runs uphill, so don't expect to break any speed limits. John Mason
As long as you trying to be like someone else; the best you can ever be is number two. John Mason
Unless you enter the beehive, you cannot take the honey. John Mason
When you refuse to change, you end up in chains. John Mason
A single conversation with night person can be more valuable them many years of study. John Mason
The first rule for happiness is avoiding lengthy thinking on the part, nothing is as far away as one hour ago. John Mason
If a thousand people say something foolish, it’s still foolish truth is never dependent upon consensus of opinion. John Mason.
The greatest assassin of dreams is haste, the desire to reach things before the night time. John Mason
Begin somewhere, you cannot fulfill your destiny on what you intend to do. John Mason
The devil's number one tool is not an active sinner, but an inactive Christian. John Mason.
Those who do not expect anything are never disappointed, those who never try, never fail. John Mason.
We truly fail only when we do not learn from an experience. John Mason
If we don't take the risk of failing we won’t get the chance to succeed. John Mason
The first step to overcoming procrastination is to eliminate all the reasons and excuses for not taking immediate action. John Mason
Tomorrow is the busiest day of the week, if there is a hill to clump, don't think that waiting will make it any smaller. John Mason
The   only   thing   that   comes   to procrastination is old age. Do today what you want to postpone till tomorrow. John Mason.
One of these days is really more of these days, John Mason
It's been said that a great oak is a little not that held its ground. John Mason
It takes the hammer of persistence to drive the nail of success. John Mason
When we wrestle with our problems, they lose their grip on us when we dare to confront the things that scare us, we open the door to our liberty. John Mason
Be thankful for problem, for if they were less difficult, someone with less ability would have your job. John Mason
The best helping hand is at the end of your own aim. John Mason
God doesn't make apple juice. He makes apples. John Mason
The lazier a man is, the more he is going to be tomorrow. John Mason
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. Join
Worse than a quilter is the man who is afraid to begin. John Mason
Don't ever say that conditions are not right. Doing so will always limit God. If you wait for conditions to be exactly right you will never obey God. John Mason
Start with what you have, not with what you don't have. John Mason
Begin somewhere you cannot fulfill your destiny on what you intend to do. John Mason
We can't reach our destiny taking another man's road. He who never walks except where he sees another man's tracks will make no new discovery. John Mason
Choose to become yourself avoid following the crowd. John Mason
Too many people seem to know how to live every body's life but their own. John Mason
To copy others is to cheat yourself out of the fullness of what God has called you to be and to do. John Mason
The person who walks in another track never leaves his own footprints. John Mason
Some men dream of accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them. John Mason
To get to the Promised Land, you will have to navigate your way through the wildness. John Mason
Unless you enter the behire, you cannot take the honey. John Mason
You can always measure a man by the amount of opposition it takes to discourage him, when the water rise, you can too, you can go over not under. John Mason
A path with no obstacle, it's probably a path that doesn't lead to anywhere important. John Mason
If you would recognize that life is difficult, things would be much easier for you. John Mason
The person who never steps on anybody's toes is probably standing still; stick and stones are thrown only at fruit-bearing trees. John Mason
Nothing significant has never been accomplished without controversy, without criticism. When you allow other people's words to stop you, they will. John Mason
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events small minds discuss other people. John Mason
The mud thrower never has clean hands. John Mason
Criticism is a complement when you know what you are doing is right. John Mason
Don't waste time responding to your critics because you owe nothing to critic. John Mason
Critics know the answers without having probed deep enough to know the question. John Mason
In criticizing others, remember that you will work overtime for no pay. John Mason
Don't be a cloud because you failed to become a star. John Mason
The strongest action, you can take any situation is to go to your knees and ask God for help. John Mason
Too many Christian do not pray. They only beg, don't just beg talk to God. John Mason
Do deep praying before you find yourself in a deep hole. John Mason

Pray to do the will of God in very situation, nothing else is worth praying for. John Mason
A great ship always ask for deep water when you dare for nothing you should hope for nothing, God wants us to live by faith and not by sight. John Mason
You do not tap the resources of God until you attempt the impossible. John Mason
When you climb the tallest tree, you win the right to the best fruit. John Mason
You can only accomplish in proportion to how much you attempt the reason why so little is accomplished is generally because so little is attempted. John Mason
People who think they are too big to do little things are perhaps too little to be asked to do big things small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. John Mason
You will never do great things if you can't do small things in a great way. John Mason
To say "Impossible" always puts you on the losing side if you dream big, believe big and pray big, do you know what will happen? Big things most of the things worth doing in history were declared impossible before they were done. What is possible is our highest responsibility. John Mason
Nothing great is created suddenly. Nothing can be done except little by little. Never decides to do nothing just because you can only do a little thing lies a big opportunity. Small things make a big difference, therefore, do all that it takes to be successful in little thing. John Mason
Find a giant and slay it. Always pick an obstacle big enough no matter when you overcome it. John Mason
One, who makes a mistake and then makes an excuse for it, is making two mistakes. John Mason
When a winner makes a mistake, he says “I was wrong" when a loser makes a mistake. He says "it wasn't my fault". John Mason
Mistakes are often the best teacher. John Mason
You can learn more from a wise man when he is wrong than a fool who is right. John Mason
Look at thing not as they are but as they can be vision adds value to everything. A single idea     the sudden flash of any thought-may be worth a million dollar John Mason
We act, or fail to act, not because of will, is commonly believed, but because vision only when you see the invisible can you do the impossible. John Mason
We are still not where we want to be, but i are not where we were. John Mason
God often gives us a little in order to what we will do with a lot. John Mason
Small deeds done are better than great deed planned. John Mason
The most important thing is to begin even though the first step is the hardest. Mason
The kite flies because of its tail. Mason
You cannot stroll to a goal. John Mason
We blow a situation out of proportion might not ever come to pass. John Mason,
The only reason pride lift you up is to let you down. John Mason
A conceited person never gets any where because he thinks he is already there. John Mason
When you choose to be on the offensive, the atmosphere of your life will begin to change. John Mason
Lack of decisiveness has caused more failures than lack of intelligence or ability. John Mason
The road to success runs uphill, so don’t expect to break any speed limits. John Mason
You will enjoy more success when you travel a little but in advance of the crowd. John Mason
The successful individual is the one who will do what the average person will not do. John Mason
Start every task thinking how to so it better than it has ever been done before. John Mason
The man who has no direction is the slave of his circumstances. John Mason.


  1. The test of this Set of Word is not that the reader goes away saying, "What an inspiring set of ideas" but "I will do something".

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