Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Thought which is mixed with any of the j feelings of emotions constitutes magnetic forces which attract other similar or related thought. NAPOLEON HILL
Faith is the state of the mind which may be induced by autosuggestion NAPOLEON HILL.
Impossibility is the word found in the dictionary of fools. NAPOLEON HILL
Cherish your vision and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, and the blue prints of your ultimate achievement I NAPOLEON HILL NAPOLEON HILL
The successful men and women are those who reach decision quickly and then stand firmly by those decisions after they are made. NAPOLEON HILL
The suspense of indecision drives million of people to failure. NAPOLEON HILL
Until a man learns the basic fundamental of applied faith, his accomplishment are very few. NAPOLEONHILL
Happiness is found in doing not merely in possessing. NAPOLEONHILL
Anybody can wish for riches and many people do, but only few know that definite plans, plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth. NAPOLEONHILL
The ladders of success are never crowded at the top. NAPOLEONHILL
There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. NAPOLEON HILL
Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought. NAPOLEONHILL
Success requires no explanation and failure permits no alibis. NAPOLEON HILL
The contagion of crime is like that of the plague. NAPOLEON HILL
The future leadership of the industry is dependent upon men who are willing to go the extra mile. NAPOLEONHILL
A Positive mental attitude is the starting point of all riches of all materials nature or intangible riches. NAPOLEONHILL
Achievement is as a result of controlling the mind. NAPOLEONHILL
Every adversity carries with it, in the circumstance itself, the seed of an equivalent benefit. NAPOLEON HILL
Temporary defeat is not failure until it has been accepted as such NAPOLEON HILL
There is no such thing as failure until you have accepted it as such. NAPOLEON HILL
It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed. NAPOLEONHILL
Most people wish for riches but few provide the definite plan and the burning desire that lead to wealth. NAPOLEON HILL
More gold has been taken from the thought of men than has been taken from earth. NAPOLEON HILL
All achievement has their beginning with an idea. NAPOLEON HILL
An educated man is that man who has learned how to get what he wants without violating the right of his fellow man. NAPOLEON HILL
A man's work is a portrait of himself and his word are a mirror of his mind. NAPOLEON HILL

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